Sunday, August 18, 2013


This is a sacred moment.
You are reading these words that
I have written.
We are connected.
This is a sacred moment.

Ceremony brings the Sacred,
and every moment can be a ceremony.
There is a pattern, like Sacred Space,
that you can step into, to
experience this sacred moment.

Ceremony means entering the circle at one point, traversing the circle, and exiting the circle. Vision, Passion, Abundance and Gratitude, and Compassion make up the four primary points in a circle of ceremony, from beginning to end. Ceremony brings the Sacred, and if you and I are in a sacred moment, we are in Ceremony.

Vision begins the moment. Your intention is your vision. You intend to read, you find these words, and you choose to read them. There are many possibilities for this moment. Choose one, and go forth with courage. This is your vision.

Passion is the energy you bring to making your vision happen. You chose to read these words, and you are now reading them. You pursue this with passion, with energy. You have chosen a path, and you are walking it. This is ceremony. This is a sacred moment.

Abundance will come of your vision and passion. Be grateful. If you have an abundance of grapes, appreciate them, harvest them, process them. If you have an abundance of snakes, be grateful for the lessons you have learned. Perhaps you learned courage, or despair. Be grateful.

Compassion is the Listener and the Watcher, which allows you to Feel the Abundance your Vision has brought. Listen. Watch. Feel. Yourself first. And as you truly empty your cup, and know how you feel about the moment, you must release it. Compassion is release. Tell your story. Share your grapes, and your snakes. And then be a compassionate light for others, hear their stories. Watch their stories. Feel their stories. Sing it out, all abundance, Joy and Sorrow.

And then we can seek a new vision, for the new moment.

We must turn with the wheel.

This is a sacred moment.
We have connected, and now
We release.
We are complete, and
We are free to seek a new moment,
a new vision.
This is a sacred moment because
We are connected.

Sacred moments become Sacred Time.

This is Sacred Time.

(written Sunday Aug 18, between 1:39 and 2:14 pm)

[SACRED TIME was written in response to a request for some words on the subject by Occupy Menstruation, an excellent Facebook community with a soulful and generous Administrator and 9,744 followers at the date of this write. Sacred Time was posted on their page with a loving review by a soul Sister shortly after she received it from me, and I am very excited to make this connection and also excited to share here with you. Your listening helps me to hear my own voice. If these words speak to you, please check out her page as well. A’ho! -dancinghawk.]

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