Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Gratitude for Tumalo Falls

 The crown of your heart bubbles and
 roars and moves like galloping
 horses flowing over mossy smooth
 rock with wild excitement
 only to drop, drop, fall over cliffs to
 canyons far, far below.You speak of
 Spring, of abundant potential, of
 life-giving waters so clear they reflect
 the colors of the sky.You speak
 Life, and we drink from your cup.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Taste Test

I want to touch the cup
that your lips kissed
this morning.

I want you to share with me
the sweet beverage
of your experience.

I want you to fill my cup:
I empty it for You,
that I may taste

where you've been
and who you are.

Speak to me.
I listen.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The In-Between Silent Places

I am a thirsty, thirsty Earth
craving the penetrating tendrils
of your roots.

What do you stand for?
Stand in me
and know your strength.

Day turns to night
and night brings music
from the in-between silent places.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A Thousand Dandy Lions

I have been
a thousand dandelion seeds
taken by the wind
settling to earth
and now just emerging,
tender tendrils
with the Spring melt.

I was encased by
a thousand protective shells,
and now I am open,
soaking in
the sun.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

You Inspire Me

Playing in the lines
of light and shadow,
the world
runs with water

while the wind is a tide in the pines,
while the flat-needled fir sways
and the spruce wears a shawl of droplets
singing in the sun.

You inspire me
as we listen
to all the sounds of

You inspire me
to Be.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

I Have Been She

I have been She
Beloved by few
Reviled by many

I have been She
Devoted, Compassionate, and

I have been She
Beloved by Teachers
Reviled by Students

I have been She
Stalking knowledge, and
Eating from the Tree

I have been She
of Understanding
in a Woman's Body, and

I have been She
Reviled for my Impertinence

I have been She.
Who am I now?

Stalking knowledge
with a single-minded masculinity,
I am She
Taking Flight in Experience

I am She
Who Listens
Who Watches
Who Feels

I am She
of the Web of Life
and the Wheels of Life

and So Are You

A'ho, Matake Oyasin
