Sunday, September 20, 2009

A Fall Equinox Prayer to Lucan

Tmkashla, giver of life
Lucan, bringer of life:

Thank you for the acceptance
of the seeds of spring,
And the high energy of
Sun heat and light
to bring those seeds forth.

Thank you for the harvest
and this time of Balance,
Where day and night,
heat and light
on equal terms
for just a moment.

Thank you for the high time of Creativity
and Productivity
we've just enjoyed,
And thank you
for the coming bringing forth
of the depths of winter -
the wolves'
Season of Plenty,
Diving deep, when the
Earth is solid,
to the Spirit World.

Help us to know
our souls, Lucan.
Help us to
Bring Forth with Joy.

Help me to honor you
by continuing to birth anew.
Help me to honor and release
the fruits of this season, and
Help me to let the ground rest
so that I may go ever deeper
with the New Year.

Thank you for allowing me to
see the beauty of these things,
and Thank you
for bringing forth the expressions
that allow us to share.

May all the seeds of spring find new and
deeper life.
And may all those who have passed
Rest in peace.

Aho, Mataquiesen.
(I Celebrate, and for All My Connections.)

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