Sunday, December 15, 2013


I lay beneath the evergreen
and I am reminded, every year:
through the Darkness, there is life.

I am at the canyon rim.
I have just landed.

I am at the canyon rim,
and I face the land,
having just landed.

I look for my road, and I walk it.
I traverse my day - a circle -
  another circle -
and I arrive at the canyon rim.

I dive off the edge,
and I face the sky,
having just taken flight.

I dream my path, and I listen for it.
I traverse my night - a circle -
  another circle -
and I arrive at the canyon rim.

Every day a fresh grace.
Sage clears the fog:
Only the heart knows.

Friday, December 6, 2013


I was enslaved not by external forces
But I enslaved myself, with force of will
I wanted things to be other than they were
I denied reality
And I saw myself as smaller than I am
I didn't see my own possibilities
I didn't hear the song all around me
And I didn't feel the dance of all creation -
  the constant, ever-changing dance
I imprisoned myself in a fantasy of yesterday
And I was my own terrible taskmaster,
  my own fearmonger,
  my own tyrant

I seek the liberation of all beings
I seek my own liberation, in this moment -
and I am astonished
at how I cling to the shackles,
like a familiar comfort -
and how, in fact, I didn't see the shackles,
  did not realize the din of my own fantasy
and how it kept me from living free

May I listen, watch, feel
May I be in the dance of each moment
  Surrender to it, and give myself to it
May I express my gratitude through acts of creation -
  of the body, by the body, for the body - and
May I leave my self-imposed prison
  forever in this lifetime

A'ho Mitake Oyasin
I celebrate, and for all my relations

Monday, November 18, 2013


We hold these truths to be self-evident:
That all beings are created equal,
And all beings are precious.

That preciousness has a right to be expressed,
And those who would trample preciousness
Will face the Warrior.

Those who trample preciousness
Will be expected to change, adapt, learn, and grow –
Or will be left alone,
to turn their violence primarily upon themselves.

Preciousness has a right to be expressed,
And opens doors to the deepest strength.

Defenders of the Undefendables are here, now,
And we take this truth to be self-evident:
When called upon, the Warrior will not hesitate.

Monday, November 11, 2013

The Desire to Know

November 11, 2013

Desire plants the seed

Many a weed is born on the wind, by chance
But corn
Is planted

Must be intentionally planted
  let go

The Spirit is Light
and the Body is Heavy

Somewhere in the middle
is the Human

Electric dive into the Knowing
surges back with new fire for the People,
that we may gather 'round,
and feel the heat of a kindled flame

A perfect mirror,
a perfect reflection
for a perfect light,
a perfect face

Magnetic force draws a circle
'round the fire, where
each Light, each Being,
reflects their understanding,
illuminating a facet for others

I desire to Know
and I desire to Understand

Together our desire to know
plants a powerful seed for change
and sharing deeply
promotes deep understanding

May we have the courage to plant intentionally
and share deeply

that we may together enjoy a dynamic harvest
for All our Relations

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Patterns Repeat Themselves

That was then
This is now
The patterns repeat themselves
The patterns repeat themselves

Dark early suddenly cold and wet
gusty and starry and cloudy and calm
All of it brought to bare:
Glimmered in Spring, this expression's last gasp
brings a last march of fruits before the frost,
Summer's sugars brought to sun-kissed surfaces

Death is near
But not quite upon us

It is a season of visible change,
and abundance.

May gratitude walk with me
Emanate from me
Express itself through my being

October, Holy Month of the Beginning
of the deep dive into the Sacred Feminine:
Help me to embrace change
Help me to flow like water
and turn with the Wheel

Help me to soar

That was then
This is now
The patterns repeat themselves
The patterns repeat themselves

With Deep Gratitude
Thank You Thank You Thank You


Sunday, August 25, 2013

A Song For Wolf Clan (7): Dancing Hawk, 2013


I am all places on the Wheel.
I am the energy of high summer
and I am the Hearth Fire
in the Depths of Winter

I am the seed, and
I am the harvest.

I am all things,
and so are you.

Mind the Wheel

Eagle circles and lands
Lights on top of the tallest pine
at the rim of the canyon

Help me to have clear vision,
Eagle, Brother, Friend

Help me to fly.

Help me to see.

Help me to be free.

I sing and dance with all of creation,
and Creation dances with me

I am all things
and no thing
I am the Requiredness of the Situation
I am Light
and I am Shadow

I am Twisted Hair,
Coyote, Bringer of the Purple Light,
and I Bring Clear Intent:
I sing my song for the people
I sing my song for All of Creation
and all of Creation sings with me.

Listen, and you will be fed.

I listen, and you feed me.

Thank you for this Dance!

I celebrate, and for all my Relations.

I am Dancing Hawk
Bringer of a New Medicine for the People
I bring the Pure Light
I bring Wisdom

Listen, and be fed.

Dance, and be healed.

Mind the Wheel
Do not attach
Be free to fly

I am the Bringer of Messages
from the Other Side of the Wheel
Through the Veil and Back Again
Listen, and You Will Be Fed

Mind the Wheel
All is energy
Intention moves energy

I am nothing,
I know nothing.
I am all Possibility
I am all of this,
and so are You.

Doors open.
Doors close.
Step through – or don’t –
without Regrets
Do not look for the Old Doors –
if they come around again,
they will look very different

Doors Open
Doors Close
Show me my path,
and give me the courage to follow it.

I am
Joy and abundance
I am Gratitude
and compassion

I am all places on the Wheel
And I am none

Door opener:
Help me to be strong and gentle



A Song For Wolf Clan (7): Dancing Hawk 2013
Book 1 of 4, pages 38-43

My Heart Song for the 21st century
A song of myself and All of Creation


Written June 2013
Original content posted by


A Song For Wolf Clan (6): Dancing Hawk 2013

I am the Requiredness
of the Situation
and I sing for the liberation
of All Beings

I am the scribe,
and I am the explorer
 -The Curiosity and The Discovery-

I am the Huntress:
May my darts hit their targets,
My arrows hit their marks.

Eagle calls

I sing for my liberation.
I sing for my freedom.
The Wheel Turns, and I Sing.

I am connected to All Things.
I celebrate my connection to all things,
and I celebrate, for all my connections

I am the weaver
and the web

Spider Woman:
Bare Your Soul

All is Energy
Intent moves Energy
Mind the Wheel
Dance with Creation

I am all things
and no thing
I turn with the Wheel
I am the Wheel

And so are You.

All is information.



And let it go.



And Turn with the Wheel


You are welcome here,
In my heart –
But this is not your place.

Visit. Exchange. Connect. Separate.

This is the natural way of things.

I am separate,
but I am not alone.

I am connected to All things,
and All things are connected with me.

I celebrate All my connections,
and for All my connections.

I am Dancing Hawk
and I sing my song for the people.

Never doubt.

I am all things,
and so are You.

Mind the Wheel.

I am the reflection
and the light

I am a true student of Ten Bears, first in his lineage and Opener of Doors

I seek the light
and I bring the light

I serve for the liberation of all beings:

May I be a perfect holder of the teachings,
and a perfect transmitter of light

I reflect the light
and I am the light

I am Whole and Complete

And so Are You.



A Song For Wolf Clan (6): Dancing Hawk 2013
Book 1 of 4, pages 32-37

My Heart Song for the 21st century
A song of myself and All of Creation


Written June 2013
Original content posted by

Friday, August 23, 2013

A Song For Wolf Clan (5): Dancing Hawk 2013

[A Song For Wolf Clan note: when I read these pieces, I hear a drum beat, steady, behind the words. Like a chant. Let yourself be taken up with the heartbeat of the drum as you read these words to yourself or out loud. May your journey be filled with light. –dancinghawk]


What Do You Stand For?

I stand for the liberation of all beings.
I sit,
and I listen

I stand,
and I sing

In this moment,
I dance with All of Creation


The 4th Age of Middle Earth

I am Dancing Hawk
Pipe Carrier of the Wolf Clan
Of the 4th Age of Middle Earth

This is the time of Abundance,
And Gratitude.

The Time of Heart.

We have Been through the Knowing
and We sing for the liberation of all beings.

We sing for joy, and abundance.
We sing for true truth.

We sing for all the turns of the Wheel to be visible to us

And the Eagle cries.

We sing in our strength,
and we sing in our innocence.

We are all of these,
and so are you.

Beautiful Hummer Circles and Chirps
Looks me in the Eye
and Drinks from the Sage

Eagle calls.

I am the bringer of the purple light.
I was born with it,
and it cannot be taken away.

I have come to share it –
and I share it with You.

I am Dancing Hawk,
and I sing my song for the People.

and You Will Be Fed.



I am the silence,
and I am the song

Vocalizing allows release –
Thank you for listening

I am the Giver and Receiver of All Things
I mind the wheel
I do not attach
I am unafraid

And I am free

I am all places on the Wheel, and none at all.
I am all of this
And so are You.



A Song For Wolf Clan (5): Dancing Hawk 2013
Book 1 of 4, pages 27-31

My Heart Song for the 21st century
A song of myself and All of Creation


Written June 2013
Original content posted by